Because Elf just sitting on a shelf was so last year.
Elf captured the Grinch!YUM… Elf pancakes!Rocking the runway!Auditioning for ‘The Voice’.Hurray, a gift exchange!Prop photo shoot!First date.Who knew Elf was this handy?The Minions have a new leader!Elf getting jacked!There’s always time for a game of Connect Four.
You better be good for goodness sake.Gone fishin’Even Elves like to color.Who’s your friend?Do you wanna build a snowman?Elf is about to be destroyed by the Ultimate Warrior.Elf on a magic carpet ride.Never let go Jack!Elf trying his skills in cooking.A delicious recipe courtesy of Buddy the Elf.Do not leave these out for Santa!Apparently Elf has pissed off the Calvary.Elf sleeps with his eyes open.Our favorite! Elfie Potter.The Dark and Light Side have found a common enemy.Elf Yoga.Can Elves get diabetes?Looks like ‘Hotline Bling’ made it into the North Poles TOP 100.Netflix and Chill.