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It takes months for babies to learn to smile. What happens when they are practically blind and all of a sudden are able to see?

Four-month-old Leopold Wilbur Reppond, suffers from a rare disease called oculocutaneous albinism which severely impairs his vision. He had never clearly seen his family, and is only able to identify his parents though their voice or with the use of his hands.

Thanks to Miraflex’s special baby glasses, adorable Leo was finally given the opportunity to see. In the video, Erin, Leo’s mother, puts the glasses on her baby boy. After a few moments, you see him realize that something is ‘different’ and  he looks up to his mother for the first time and gives her a huge smile.

Baby Leo had never clearly seen his mom before


He suffers from oculocutaneous albinism that impairs his sight


But look what happens when he’s given glasses!


Leo is so happy to see his mom for the first time!


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