In an episode of “Louie”, comedian Louis C.K’s teaches his daughter about how life be can be unfair and provides and excellent example on equality.
A fair world would be a perfect world, however the older you get the more you realize how unfair life can be and how some people always seem to get the short end of the stick. We don’t always appreciate with what we have and instead compare ourselves to others, especially those who are more fortunate.
Lets face it, we want to have as much as everyone else. We want the nice house, the nice car, the extravagant vacations. However in the wise words of Mr. C.K:
“You’re never gonna get the same things as other people. It’s never going to be equal. The only time you look in your neighbor’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbor’s bowl to see if you have as much as them.”
It’s important that we become comfortable with our expectations and appreciate with what we have. It’s important to teach our children that life isn’t always fair. Some people are on the top with less fortunate people on bottom, and many of these less fortunate are struggling for essential needs such as food and shelter.
We all need to make sure that ‘our neighbors bowl has enough.’