Home Pregnancy


Pregosaurus Rex : (noun) A pregnant woman who acts as if she is the first person to ever be pregnant. Quick to anger and quick to tears.

Mom Charged $39.35 Fee To Hold Her Baby After Giving Birth

Utah Valley Hospital went too far and charged a couple $40 to hold their baby after birth. A Utah father was floored after learning he had to pay...

Mom Shares Viral Photo Of Herself In Panties Hours After Giving Birth

A photo of a new mom in her underwear is going viral, but not for the reasons you may think. New mom, Amanda Bacon, posted this viral photo...

‘What The BUMP’ Photos Shows You What Pregnancy Really Looks Like, Morning Sickness And...

Maternity photos are undeniably sweet, but in most cases they overlook the real struggles of the mom-to-be. Photographer Danielle Guenther created this ongoing series titled "What the BUMP," which puts...

Hilarious Pregnancy Announcement With An Unexpected Twist!

We love a good pregnancy announcement and especially one with an unexpected twist! The first photo features a smiling dad holding up a "We're pregnant" sign while his poor...

30 Funny Pregnancy Comics That All Women Can Relate To

Let's be honest, pregnancy is hard and having a good sense of humor will help get you through some of those long and challenging days! Mommie Poppins is...

The Three Best Exercises During Pregnancy

You might think that you will have to give up on your exercises during pregnancy, but most experts recommend that pregnant women should engage in some sort...

Why Becoming A Parent Is The Best Thing That’ll Ever Happen To You

This wonderful comic by lunarbaboon shows how having children brings out the eternal child in all of us. When I was a kid, I wanted to be Peter Pan, I wanted to...

This Prank Baby Shower Card Cries Like a Newborn for Three Hours

This adorably schmaltzy-looking looking baby shower card cries like a newborn for three long hours. Lets face it, baby showers are boring. The mom-to-be opens onesie after onesie while we all...

What Pregnant Women Can Wear To See “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”

If you’re pregnant and planning to dress up to see “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, this mom-to-be has a fantastic idea. This awesome idea was originally posted on Imgur by...

Awesome T Shirts For New Dads Or Expecting Dads

These awesome shirts for expecting dads will sure to be a hit in the delivery room. All of these tee shirts below can be purchased on Zazzle or Etsy. ...

Boy Finds Out He’s Going to Be a Big Brother And His Reaction Is...

A six-year-old Irish boy named Jake Dooley had the sweetest reaction when his mother breaks the news that his wish of becoming a big brother was finally going...

Mom Illustrates What It’s Like To Be Pregnant In These Hilarious Comics

Line Severinsen, a mom from Norway started illustrating what it's like to be pregnancy in 2012 when she was expecting her first child. This talented (and hilarious) mom covers the...

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