What Moms Think About Themselves vs What Their Kids Think
Many mothers are self-critical and frequently question themselves: am I a good mom? Am I doing everything right? Their kid's know the right answer to this question.
A Dad’s Hilarious Tutorial On How To Hold A Baby
Unsure how to properly hold a baby? Don’t worry, because Jordan Watson, an expert baby-holder is here to help. He has created an epic video tutorial on...
If Parents Talked To Adults The Same Way They Talk To Their Kids
No wonder our children never listen, we treat them likes jerks.
In this funny video, three moms poke fun at the way parents talk to their children, and...
A Moms Rendition Of Leonard Cohen’s Classic Song ‘Hallelujah’
This moms rendition of Leonard Cohen’s classic song “Hallelujah” has struck a chord with parents everywhere.
Shannon Abbott originally wrote and performed the song at a local talent show...
Adorable Baby Pranks Dad By Crying When He Tries To Cut Her Fingernails
A baby girl in Brazil has her family in hysterics as she pretends to shriek in pain each time her dad tries to clip her fingernails.
Baby pranks...
Mom’s Hilarious Video Sums Up Motherhood In 34 Seconds
They keep coming. No matter where you go. No matter what you do.
Ashley and Tyson Gardner welcomed home quadruplets after struggling with infertility has gone viral with...
Dad Takes His 4-Year-Old Daughter On A Flight She Will Never Forget
Four-year-old Léa Langumier has flown with her dad, Raphael Langumier, 40, several times since she was a toddler but she always had one rule — dad was...
Dad Turns Son’s Wheelchair Into The Ghostbusters Car For Halloween
Can Ryan Miller outdo himself this year? Last year's epic Star Wars snowspeeder costume got a shout out on Twitter from Luke Skywalker himself, actor Mark Hamill.
A “Thriller” Parody Made For Moms, or Mombies
If you've ever been woken up by a crying toddler in the wee hours of the morning, only to find that their diaper has literally exploded all over...
Nichole Nordeman’s ‘Slow Down’ Video Will Make You Ugly Cry
What is that cliché? The days go so slow but the years go so fast. No one understands this more than a parent.
Singer Nichole Nordeman shared a...
A Two-Year-Old’s Morbid Solution To The Trolley Problem
The dark side is strong with this one.
The trolley problem, a classic ethics experiment which asks you to imagine a trolley headed toward a track that five people...
Kid Has No Idea How To Use a Slip’N Slide
Sometimes kids have to learn the hard way. In the case of this poor kid, he has no clue how to use a Slip'N Slide and his...
Little Girl With A Water Hose Makes A Bad Decision
Sometimes it's okay for kids to learn the hard way. This Grandma couldn't agree more in this hilarious video where she even says "I should stop you..." as she's giggling.
The New ‘Bad Moms’ NSFW Trailer Looks Glorious
Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis and Kathryn Hahn star in a perfect mom-date movie
Moms, are you tired of pretending you have your shit together? Have you failed every attempted...
Epic Angry Dad Prank – Honk If You’re Horny (STRONG LANGUAGE)
Sometimes the simplest pranks are the best, and this Dad Prank proves it.
The prankster behind the hit YouTube Channel “Angry Dad”, recently posted a hilarious video of his father’s reactions...
Dad Dresses Up As Darth Vader And Wakes Up His Sleeping Son
Rob Lopez, a Star Wars loving dad, had a fun idea to celebrate May the Fourth (International Star Wars Day).
Lopez decided to prank his two-year-old son Sebastian...
Drunk Moms Try Pinterest Crafts And Fail
Some Pinterest crafts are ridiculously hard, like assembling an IKEA wardrobe hard. Throw in some wine and they become f'ing impossible.
Getting drunk is a social activity best paired with...
Hungover Dad Face Swaps With Baby And It’s Glorious
It's all fun and games until you're hungover and you're also a baby.
A hungover dad decided to use the a popular face swap app with his baby...
Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson and James Corden Form The Dad Band “Puff Daddies”
James Corden, host of The Late, Late Show, is not ashamed of his love for boy bands. But we've all wondered, what happens to all those boy...
Get Rid Of Your Baby’s Chunky Thighs With This New Fitness App
Are you sick and tired of people constantly commenting on your chunky baby? Concerned about your baby's laziness as they do nothing but sleep the day away?
Like The Rest Of Us, Siri Struggles Having A Conversation With A Toddler
Trying to talk to Siri on your iPhone is a lot like having a discussion with a toddler — they constantly interrupt, respond with an answer we'd never expect,...
Dad Tricks His Baby Into Eating Green Beans By Singing And It’s Adorable
Musically gifted, Charles Only, appears to have found a creative way to get his kid to eat green beans - by singing.
Right from that first line, what...
Mom Captures The Agony Of Getting A Toddler To Eat
Hello, I am a toddler. Tomorrow I will hate every food I liked today.
Getting a toddler to eat is an art, a very frustrating art. They will only ever...
Hilarious Video Of A Dad Gagging His Way Through Diaper Change
It's downright amazing how our child's 'creations' can be that big and stinky. It seems impossible that something that unruly can come out of something so delicate...
Toddler Refuses To Eat A Sloppy Joe Because He Thinks It’s Poop
This toddler refuses to eat the delicious sloppy joe sandwich mom made him because he's 100% convinced it's poop.
Toddlers are known for their picking eating habits, but...
Kid Wants To Go To A Broccoli Farm Instead Of The Circus
In this hilarious video, the parents of 4-year-old Max, told their son that they were taking a tour of a broccoli farm so that they could surprise...
Jennifer Garner Reads Go the F**k to Sleep
Watch as Jennifer Garner sweetly reads the unorthodox bedtime story 'Go the Fuck to Sleep', written by Adam Mansbach and illustrated by Ricardo Cortés.
In the new video from...
Parent Fantasy Hotline Reveals Parents Wildest Fantasies
Parents often fantasize about the days of spontaneously going out to bars with friends, staying out late, waking up after 9-10 hours of sleep only to spend...
Ryan Reynolds Struggles to Build an IKEA Crib
Ryan Reynolds is uber famous, and like the rest of us, has no clue how to assemble an IKEA crib.
Ryan Reynolds, a dad and the man behind the mask of Deadpool,...
An Adorable Toddler Can’t Stop Laughing At Her Dad’s Joke
What’s the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi?
An adorable toddler just can’t stop laughing at her dad’s classic joke.
While most dads struggle to get a decent reception...
Michael McIntyre – What People Without Kids Just Don’t Know
Parents face many unique challenges. Simple tasks such as leaving the house or getting dressed become nearly impossible. You may have forgotten how easy it once was.
Michael McIntyre, a hilarious British...
GoPro Captures Toddler’s POV Playing Hide And Seek
Dan Iverson attaches a GoPro to his toddler son and starts playing hide and seek. The results are absolutely adorable.
This Dad’s Not Going To Win Father Of The Year Award
To his credit, he did save her from a vicious shadow monster. Possible "Dad of the Year Award" candidate?
Adorable Toddler Was Caught Saying Her Good Night Prayer On Camera
Two-year-old Sutton was caught on a baby monitor by her mother saying her good night prayer. Sutton mentions everyone from parents to her grandma to even Santa...
Adorable 3-Year-Old Claire Ryann Sings ‘Part Of Your World’
Watch as ADORABLE three-year-old Claire Ryann sings 'Part Of Your World' from The Little Mermaid, her favorite pre-Frozen era song.
Hilarious Bieber “Sorry” Parody Gets Real About Life After 40
The Holderness Family recently posted a hilarious parody video about realities of life after 40, all to the tune of Justin Bieber’s “Sorry”.
Long story short is that you're...
Mom Is Recording Her Kids When She Discovers Something Horrible! All Parents Should Watch...
As a parent, this video footage sent chills up my spine. Luckily, thanks to mom reacting quickly, it has a happy ending.
It can happen in the blink...
Baby Is Terrified Of A New Squishy Toy
Can I touch it? It looks scary! What is it? Do I dare touch it? Well, here goes nothing! BAD IDEA!
Watch as this scared baby is terrified...
Adorable Kids From Low Income Families Choose Between Presents For Themselves Or Their Parents
Kids from low income families were asked to choose between a gift they really want for Christmas or a gift for their parents. What they choose may...
9 Reasons Why Kids Are Total Dicks
Our friends at Buzzfeed remind how annoying kids really are. Warning, do not watch if you are on the fence having kids.
All parents have that light-bulb moment when you ask...
How Christmas Time With A Baby Can Be Complicated
Things can get a little more complicated when you have a baby in the house for the holidays.
Why Parents Get Nothing Done Around The House
Have you ever been asked "You've been home all day, why aren't you getting more done?" and you just want to scream?
Parents know that cleaning up after...
Baby Can’t Resist Knocking Over A Glass Of Water
This cute baby has one thing on his mind - to topple over a glass of water sitting on the coffee table. His mom repeatedly tell him not...
If Moms Talked to Each Other The Same Way They Talk to Their Kids
No wonder our children don't listen to us. We treat them like assholes.
Three moms from the hilarious YouTube channel The BreakWomb sit down together and show how absolutely ridiculous...
Pediatrician Shows Proven Method On How to Calm a Crying Baby
Dr. Bob Hamilton, a pediatrician shows proven method on how to calm a crying baby by 'shaking their little booty'.
His technique is used to quiet babies (mainly 2-3 months old) during...